Arbury Community Centre

Brief Terms and Conditions

  • I have read the conditions of hire and agree to them.
  • I understand that I am personally legally responsible for the care and security of the premises and will pay for any damage to property.
  • I will be personally responsible for the health and safety of participants in this event.
  • I will be responsible for calling for assistance or emergency services if necessary.
  • I will be legally responsible for public liability for this event.
  • Payments should be made to "Arbury Community Association". You can pay directly into account 09-07-20 05222257 using the BK reference above.
  • Please see the main Arbury Community Centre website to see the full terms and conditions which can be downloaded.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Under our licensing laws, hirers are not permitted to bring their own alcohol
  • Cancellation within four weeks of your booking will forfeit your payment but your deposit will still be refunded